Sunday, July 3, 2011

Government by Executive Order? Are We Done Yet?

SEE HERE Irresponsible government 101 — Obama considering a very confrontational move. It is particularly outrageous since the majority party, the Democrats, have failed to offer a budget and are maneuvering to blame their irresponsibility on the Republicans.


  1. Here's what bothers me, Ray. What does Obama and his puppet masters know that we don't know? The outrageous behavior has been going on for over two years and they appear completely unconcerned. I understand that we have a vast number of the population completely uninformed, but this goes way beyond that. Or does it?

  2. Got me Adrienne. I too think that the reluctance of any of our elected officials in any of the branches of government to do anything, anything is extraordinarily troubling. The dialogue at the highest levels has never been so narrow in my lifetime.

    The populous is drugged on tellie (as Mack Reynolds would have framed it) and grapefruit (incidental side issue like Paris Hilton) as James Doyle frames is, and they are unconscious when it come to the issue that really matter. We may well wake up one morning and find as Ken Cuccinelli says, that all we can do is tell our grandchildren about what the United States used to be like when we were free.
