Sunday, October 30, 2011

Handling the Issue of Presidential Eligibility

SEE HERE This is an amusing and informative imaginary dialogue between a newsman and Herman Cain on the question of presidential eligibility and frankly also on the question of whether the news media are doing their job. I'm not sure about the first issue. I think the birth certificates that have been produced are fraudulent, but that's not conclusive. What is clear is that the United States has not been confirming that candidates running for president are in fact eligible. That's not a hypothesis but a rather evident fact. The second part has a definitive answer: The news media is co-opted by the left and is totally unreliable. They are simply spinning the narrative to pursue their talking points and their agenda. You simply can no longer trust the news media to give you objective information. This has been coming on for a long time. I have always been interested in journalism and was the first page editor of my high school newspaper. I didn't major in journalism only because my father didn't like the idea. He said "If you want to be a writer, that's fine. But you have a good mind and you can learn math and science and that's a more reliable source of income than writing." Well I had to concede that and I went on to be a Physics and Engineering major for my undergraduate and masters degrees and then went on to be a professional scientist and later got a Ph.D. in Information Technology. But I still love writing and I'm quite disgusted with what has happened to journalism which used to be an honorable field.

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