Friday, October 14, 2011

The Difference Between Patriots and Parasites

SEE HERE The difference between the Occupy Wall Street losers and the Tea Party reminds me of the old joke about "What's the difference between catfish and lawyers?"  The answer was that one was a bottom feeding scum-sucker and the other was a fish.  The difference between the Wall Street protestors and the Tea Party is pretty much summed up that way.  The Occupy Wall Street crowd appear to be mostly folks that are disappointed that they don't get the world given to them on a silver platter with no effort on their part.  The Tea Party by contrast is composed of mostly middle class Americans who are dismayed as they see the freedoms they once had being drained away by a run away government.  One group is evidence of the problem and the other evidence that we still have Americans that remember what this country is actually about.  If the Tea Party goes down, then America as we have known it goes down with them.

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