Monday, October 31, 2011

The Racism of the Left ...

This is the standard MO of the left. Namecalling and in this case calling a successful black man some kind of lackey. Gee, how does that work? CEO head of a large corporation and trade organization. Herman Cain is a man who was a mathematician and computer scientist. He's a real success story not some kind of phony like so many of those being critical of him. Let's get it straight who the racists really are ... it's the liberal progressive plantation owners who want to keep black people dependent on them. Check out the history of the left and compare it with the history of the right. The Republicans were the ones who supported the abolition of slavery and civil rights for the black population. The Democrats by contrast supported the Klu Klux Klan and maintained segregation. The sad thing is that people don't learn enough history to know the truth. Listen to Clarance Thomas on his treatment. This is what the left does to successful black people. Wake up!  ERICKSON

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