Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thomas Sowell In His Own Speak

SEE HERE I guess anyone that has been hanging around here for a while knows by now that I really like Thomas Sowell.  I have almost all of his books in my library and if I'm missing any it is only by accident.  Sowell has one heck of a head on his shoulders.  I collect clear minds and Thomas Sowell is on my short list with folks like C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton who are also clear minds.  Clarity of thought comes from testing what one believes against the hard facts of reality and not submitting to wishful thinking.  It takes a lot of careful observation and testing of principles to arrive at the place you need to be.  I'm still working on it.  To make progress you need mentors and the clear minds that I attend to are my mentors.  Many are dead having proceeded into the mystery of beyond before me, folks like Aristotle, Aquinas, Jefferson, but some are very much alive.  I'm currently discovering Flannery O'Connor who died at the young age of 39 from lupis but whose spiritual insights are worth attending to.  You never stop developing in your lived life in this realm, or at least you shouldn't.  So perhaps you should be collecting your own mentors, people who speak wisdom to you and guide your development.

1 comment:

  1. You've managed to list almost all the peeps I look up to. And..........don't forget that you are also a mentor to those of us that follow your blog.
