Saturday, December 10, 2011

Is the President a Marxist? — Of Course!

SEE HERE  I suppose you may be one of those who whistling "Dixie" past the graveyard thought all the talk about Barack Obama being a Marxist was just all gossip and rumor by those racist good 'ole boys that want to discredit him.  Of course if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck it might just be a duck, and when one of its former duck friends outs it as a duck I guess you can say, "Yup it's a duck!"  Well Barack Obama is a Marxist and a pretty hard core one.  That isn't a surprise given his history but what explains the fact that the media doesn't bother to do its homework and gives us the necessary insight to evaluate the man and his policies?

Now that we know for sure it makes a lot more sense all the bewilderingly bad policy decisions the man seems to make.  The first step in a Marxist revolution is that Capitalism has to collapse and if it isn't showing signs of doing that it needs to be helped along.  We also have plenty of dumb idiots that will help it happen.  Good luck when you've taken the economic system down.  Every Marxist society has been a failure with no particular reason to believer there will be any change soon.

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