Sunday, December 11, 2011

Palestinians, Invented? — Of Course!

SEE HERE Palestinians are Arabs that lived in the region. As such, they are no more a separate people than the rest of the Arabian people in the region. The Jews and for want of a better term "Palestinians" both have ancestral rights to the land in and around Israel. What isn't talked about is how the Palestinian "problem" came about. It came about because the states surrounding Israel at the time of its formation colluded to attack the infant state and warned the Arabs living there to get out. They did in expectation that after Israel was defeated they'd be able to go back. Instead Israel, amazingly, prevailed. Instead of assimilating the Arabs they'd encouraged to get out of Israel, the surrounding states have manipulated the problem for generations to create "the Palestinian problem." They've attacked Israel twice more and been defeated each time. Newt is right. This is all invented. But for all of that the problem is real and needs to be addressed in some way which nevertheless grants Israel the right not only to exist but to flourish.

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