Friday, November 13, 2009

Audacity of Extremism: That About Sums It Up

SEE HERE The Obama administration is unique in American history for being "in your face" extremist on virtually every issue it has touched. No other administration in history has spontaneously generated so much opposition from such a cross section of the electorate as measured by the composition of Tea Party Activists. This is disturbing especially since the president doesn't seem to care leading people to believe that there's more going on than meets the eye. If you're already disturbed that moves you to being scared that in fact there is a move underway to destroy the traditional freedoms of all Americans. Lots of actions that the administration has sponsored send that message to, whether it is the call for Americans to rat-out their neighbors, or the attempts to turn people that disagree into the enemy. Freedom of speech is demonized. The race card is played on every possible occasion. Fiscal responsibility is out the window and somehow Afghanistan never gets the attention it deserves. I think "Audacity of Extremism" sums it up reasonably well.

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