Friday, November 27, 2009

What's Wrong With the Country

Do you want to know what is wrong with the country? The story about how we treat our Navy SEALS when they capture a vicious terrorist and rough him up some says it all. We have lost our collective minds. This of course isn't the only example. It may not even be the craziest example. The liberal mind set that suspends children in our schools for bringing plastic gun key chain ornaments to school is the mind set that leads to this kind of madness. If we don't stop this kind of thing we might as well just bag it up as a nation. This isn't a sign of goodness or maturity or whatever it is that the liberal loonies want to feature it as. What it is is a sign of dementia, of systemic death wish. We need to celebrate these guys not punish them. Keep this kind of behavior up and we'll just be signing our own death warrants. The bad guys must be laughing their heads off, since they like to literally cut the heads off Americans or hang them from bridges. It's time to stand up and be counted and stop this kind of insane nonsense.

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