Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Clarion Call ...

SEE HERE I get the Patriot Post (you can subscribe yourself by CLICKING HERE) I don't always pay much attention to it and I'm not sure why I did today. I get so much email that often I just click it away to the trashcan without a second thought. It was probably the quote from Plutarch that got me ... I'm a sucker for classical allusions, the wisdom of those long dead that still applies today. Timeless truth is, well, timeless!

"The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits." -- Greek historian Plutarch (c. 46-120A.D.)

Plutarch lived under the Roman Empire in the somewhat golden years (at least if you were not a Christian). He wrote about great men and women. The devolution of a people arises when they begin to think they are entitled to the goods of others. That what taxes do, especially to those who distribute the largess. Spending other people's money is great fun. There ought to be a lot of responsibility associated with it, but that's another word that is mostly abused today.

On page 2 of today's Patriot Post is a quote by another of my favorites, a bit more contemporary, economist Thomas Sowell. He said " ... The entitlement mentality has eroded the once common belief that you earned things, including respect, instead of being given them. ..."

The rest was good too so I'm sharing it. Good things should be shared. Bad things should be warned about and disposed of. Right now we have some serious issues with government actions that seem to lead to no good place. Yesterday's elections look like a clarion call from the people to stop disassembling the republic. We'll soon discover whether anyone is listening.

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