Thursday, November 5, 2009

Principles are the Only Track That Counts

Principles are those things that guide us in the path of truth. A principle is like a yardstick in that sense. It guides you to measure things to see to what degree they correspond with the truth. They may not always be perfect just because none of us is perfect. Before you elect someone to a leadership position, one of the fundamental questions is to what set of principles do they conform their lives. Good actions arise from good people, principled people. People whose principles are "me first" or "what have you done for me lately" or "one hand washes the other" or "do what feels right and hang the consequences" or ... well maybe you get the idea. Principled people are those who seek always to do what is right and avoid what is wrong. Unprincipled people almost always have their own ends in mind and see the ends of others as merely obstacles to their own advancement. These are not the people you want leading you. Even if they have a track it likely leads to places that you don't really want to go.

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