Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Centrality of Vision and the Importance of Truth

"Without vision the people die." That's a rather loose reading of Proverbs 29:18. I was casting around for a topic to write just a little about and my son Stephen called me on the phone and mentioned the Climate Depot revelation due to someone hacking (or an insider revealing) a host of climate emails. SEE HERE also check out the WSJ article SEE HERE

In our modern world we don't have much in the way of vision. We've gone too far down the secular humanist, atheistic-materialist, road to a vision that might be summed up as party on because life's a trial and then you die. Interestingly enough Peter Abelard talked about life as the process of learning how to die well. That's something that really sounds odd to modern ears where death is so much to be feared and youth so much to be blindly sought that we often find the assumptions underlying that pernicious worldview popping into our consciousness as if they are necessarily true.

Of course they are not true at all. So what does this have to do with whether or not there is global warming? Well to tell you the truth I'm not sure. I'm just tracking along on a mind thread which wiggles this way and that. I'm just overwhelmed really that serious scientists would be manipulating their data to promulgate a lie. Why are they doing such a thing? I'm trained as a scientist and that's the equivalent of a mortal sin for a scientist to simply fabricate data to prove his hypothesis correct. If this is the kind of thing a modern world view produces then I want no part of it.

I started this with the thought that I'd write something about how to construct a proper vision, but the phone call interrupted that train of thought and got me onto the climate kick again. The bottom line is we're experiencing global cooling for the past decade and the climatologists wedded to global warming have been fudging their data and lying and comparing notes in the background on supposedly private emails which have not been put on the internet.

If it's true it's a hoot. If it's false it is also a hoot. So at least you can enjoy a good laugh. By the way, it appears to be true.

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