Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wetting Your Bed Is Something You Should Outgrow

The wholly dishonest SEE HERE Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) act, also known as Card-Check and eliminates the secret ballot in union organizing elections. This opens the door wide for union steam-rollering of employees.

If unions actually represented their employees and actually had the good of the business in mind as well as good employees ought, then none of this would be of as great concern, although the loss of the secret ballot would still be an outrage. But in fact the history of trade unionism is pretty clear.

The trade unions abuse their members in many ways, notably forcing them into supporting political causes that they may not want to support, but also forcing those who don't want to be in the union to pay union dues, due to so-called Union Shop laws. But most egregiously, unions have been horribly bad for the businesses that have unions, quite commonly, over time, pricing labor well beyond the market level which makes the business to which this is done increasingly non-competitive. Two of the poster children for this have been the railroads, and the New York newspaper industry, but I think the automobile industry is an example as well.

If unions behaved more responsibly then they would be more welcome. We live in a society that is much more mobile and much more flexible than the society in which the union movement grew up. One should ask the question whether unions as currently constituted really perform the role for which they were originally created or are they an increasingly corrupt echo from the past.

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