Monday, November 23, 2009

Climate-Gate Continues to Get Traction Get Out the Tombstone

SEE HERE and HERE and HERE It will be interesting to see if they can live this down. So far the Climate-Gate emails have only drawn luke-warm traction mostly among those who already thought that Global Warming was a major exaggeration. The question is whether the followers of this poor science will see the light or stay in denial as the current cold snap deepens.

BTW Want to see Al Gore make a total fool of himself ... HAHAHAHA We are talking a total jerk. The idea that he's a spokes person for anything scientific is so laughable ... oh yeah and he got a Nobel Prize. Scary! Gore should probably not be let out without a keeper.

The bottom line is that the climate models are not very good. They are curve fits not models and they are not even very good curve fits since they don't seem to be able to simultaneously model warming and cooling over a few decades. What is certainly being shown to be a sham is any relationship between CO2 concentration and temperature, at least CO2 as a temperature driver.

Whether this is a smoking gun from a data point of view is still up in the air a little. But from a political point of view, it is apparent that these guys were agenda driven and not data driven and that, whatever else you want to call it, is bad science. So if the real scientists would just stand up and be counted we could all get back to doing science and not politics.

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