Monday, May 9, 2011

Freedom Works: Progressives Only Destroy Progress

SEE HERE It's a sad fact that the folks that call themselves "progressives" and who used to be called "liberals" are neither liberal nor progressive. The word "liberal" has as its root the Latin word "liber" which means freedom. But liberals have long since stopped being about freedom and are instead about a crushing uniformity characterized by political correctness. Nor does changing their name to "progressive" help for progress means beneficial change and in their new-speak it means forcing people to agree with them whether it is wearing your seatbelt, your helmet, not cooking with transfats, getting your power from windmills, becoming a vegan or all the other trendy things they insist you must do because they are good for you. "Take that Big-Mac out of your mouth and stop eating those fries!" This is soft tyranny now, but it turns quickly enough into the other kind. More than 50 million tiny voices who have been sacrificed to liberal expediency are looking down now from heaven saying "Mommy, why didn't you want me?" I find the whole bunch an example of misguided and disgusting human beings. I'd just as soon they left me alone. I can handle my own decision making, all of it. If I need their help, I'll ask for it. Don't wait up!


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