Thursday, June 2, 2011

You Have To Wonder? — What Scares Liberals About Sarah Palin?

SEE HERE I like Sarah Palin a lot. We have a myth in this country that the president has to be some sort of super smart dude who knows a whole lot and the media is always spinning the IQ of the candidates saying that John Kerry for example is smarter than George Bush. They usually don't offer any evidence and that's rather convenient. If they actually did the research they'd often find that they had it backwards. They run down Sarah Palin because of some fairly small flubs on camera and then give Barack Obama a pass on all his flubs as if his flubs when he said he'd visited 57 states or that he was a Muslim were understandable.

Well I have to say that you don't have to be the smartest dude on the block to be president. The biggest talent you have to have to be a good president is to pick good people, competent people, people with common sense, people that understand the task set before them. In short you need to be a good judge of people and know who to trust. I think Sarah Palin clearly has that talent. She's a straight arrow. she speaks the truth as she sees it. She's full of common sense and she loves the country and its people. These are all features the current president sadly lacks.

I think Herman Cain or Sarah Palin or Allen West or Michelle Bachmann or Rick Perry or a lot of other folks would make far better presidential timber than the current crop of America haters inhabiting the White House realms. Maybe at some visceral level what the media is afraid of in Sarah Palin is forthright honesty. That's why I like her and why so many liberals and leftists are scared to death of her. When the sun shines on a shadow it disappears. Truth and forthrightness is the antidote to lies and prevarication.

1 comment:

  1. The criminally biased MSM fears Sarah Palin precisely because she connects with the so-called "silent majority." Actually, the same could be said for any of the other principled conservatives you mention: Cain, West, Bachmann, Perry. Or Ronald Reagan for that matter.

    "Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive"
