Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Whine and Complain! Complain and Whine!

SEE HERE You have to wonder whether any of these people have ever done anything worthwhile or productive in their lives. I was watching some video of these folks complaining about the fact that other people are not supporting them and all I could think of was spoiled whiny children having tantrums because their every need isn't satisfied by their parents. Well you have to grow up sometime and support yourself and become a responsible citizen. Noone has an obligation to support you if you haven't enough discipline to support yourself. They might help you but you make that less likely when you demand it as if it is a right when you have not assumed the obligations of your station in life. You have a duty to yourself and others not to be a burden when you don't have to be. When you chose to ignore that obligation when you're perfectly able-bodied then it's hard to get motivated to help you.

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