Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Energy Insanity ... The Climate Alarmists Keep Telling the Story. If You Tell a Lie Long Enough People Tend to Start Believing It.

SEE HERE Energy is a fundamental factor of production. Without inexpensive energy prices go through the roof. Carbon based energy is inexpensive and efficient. When you burn a hydrocarbon you get water and CO2. The demonization of CO2 is demonstrably hog-wash. It is a trace gas in the atmosphere and a fundamental plant nutrient. More CO2 promotes plant growth. The fairy tale about global warming is a scam. The way you know it is a scam is that the only way they can support the story is with computer modeling which has the fairy tale built in. There isn't a speck of evidence that CO2 is a significant climate driver. It's all baloney. But the alarmists focus in on it like a laser since they see it as a government control lever.

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