Monday, June 4, 2012

It's Over! — The Notion of Freedom In the United States Is a Sham

SEE HERE It's time to rise up and protest this kind of tyranny.  Freedom means nothing if it doesn't mean that you are free to act in accordance with your conscience.  This kind of outrage is beyond tyranny.  This kind of thing has to be reversed or you are no longer free.  Tyranny Rising!

I've been listening to a Great Courses Company course on Natural Law. It is interesting that the lecturer is discussing Natural Law concepts in English jurisprudence and as they informed the Founders in the Declaration of Independence. One case he cites is an English case which discussed whether the government had the power to require doctors to be licensed and apparently found that it did not. That sort of blew me away since we've come to simply accept government requiring all sorts of certifications and regulations. Perhaps a closer study of history would show us how much freedom we have really lost. I've always liked an idea that Robert Heinlein would talk about which was the licensed QUACK. On his suggestion anyone could practice medicine but if they didn't have formal training and hadn't gotten the required certifications they would have to post prominently the certificate that they were licensed quacks. This reminded me further of a trip I took some years ago when I was working as a research scientist for the Navy and we were in Arizona to make a flight test. We would go to the local beanery for lunch and they had their license posted which was apparently the lowest kind of license and hence I suppose the cheapest and warned the clients of the establishment that it was not inspected by the state and so a long list of evils might be present ranging from insect infestation to various other dangerous conditions. Actually the place was better than the fancier place we also went to that had the higher kind of license. I don't know if Arizona still does things this way but I thought it was pretty cool at the time (circa 1973). Government can not guarantee anything except to punish people after the fact if some requirement is not kept and there is a complaint. I am more prepared to trust a man whose livelihood depends on his doing his job well than some faceless bureaucrat whose job is pushing paper and checking boxes.

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