Friday, January 29, 2010

A Dose of Reality: Something the President Doesn't Get

SEE HERE One of the amazing things about watching the president giving the State of the Union address was the sustained impression I had that he lived in some other world than I did, a sort of lala land where everything he said was true.

In fact nearly everything he said was not only not true, but demonstrably not true with relatively little research. There must be a set of liberal lenses through which the world is seen that distorts reality so that up is down and black is white and right is wrong, sort of a Bizarro world of 1984 dimensions of crystalline lenses through which a liberal can see the world in their distorted way. I think the rest of us should strive to live in the real world of mortgages and jobs and paying our bill and getting on with our lives and we should put these weirdos on their own little island somewhere where they can happily socialize and continue to be totally disconnected from reality.

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