Wednesday, January 27, 2010

POTUS Promises More and More Government Spending and Control

I listened to the whole State of the Union and didn't hear anything but rhetoric, promises for more government spending, the trotting out of the usual left boogie men, wall street, CEO benefits, greedy this and that, and promised to force gays into the military (it was interesting to watch the faces of the senior military present ... they were uniformly grim at the prospect). The positives were sops to the right: nuclear energy, clean coal, and beefing up the Veterans Administration. The negatives were far more powerfully pushed. The myth of clean green energy and stupidities like bio-fuels which drive up food prices to manufacture bad fuel alternatives, and on and on.

Bottom line: Business as usual from the government is always the solution to everything. Perhaps most disappointing to me was the fact that there was no sign that anyone understands economics. This idea that government can take money from the people and give it to someone else and thereby stimulate the economy is sheer myth. It doesn't work and never has. We are on a track to destroy the economy and not rescue it. All in all, a very disappointing performance. I also think that President Obama would be more convincing if he could stop reading the teleprompters so much (we might hear a real person then) and if he'd lower his nose about 15 degrees he might look less arrogant. To me he just looks like the Narcissist In Chief (the NIC).

The Republican response delivered in one seventh the time was more effective and more substantive. Governor Bob McDonnell of Virgina sounded a more responsible message of smaller government and more reliance on a free people to handle their own affairs. If we keep growing government we'll soon all be enslaved and McDonnell gets it a whole lot more than Obama.

RedState summed it up as "The President Lied." SEE HERE

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