Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tea Party Stupidity ...

SEE HERE The Tea Party Folks have made a great impact and drawn a lot of attention. The question is: Where to go from here? I'm not sure I have much to offer by way of advice except that starting a Third Party is just a recipe for endless Demon-crats. The conservatives which make up most of the Tea Party also make up most of the Republican party. The obvious strategy is to coopt the Republican party and throw the unprincipled under the bus.

Create a party of principle and not of personality. That is what we need. If we keep pretending that politics is a beauty or charisma contest then we're doomed to the professional packagers who put up pretty faces and flash in the pan teleprompter readers. What we need in men and women of integrity and principle. I'd rather vote for someone who is principled even if I don't fully agree with them, then for another pretty face. If we can't sell that concept than we deserve whatever disaster fate delivers because we will have neither integrity nor principle, only the shallow reality of a surface and insubstantial sales pitch. That's how we got "hope and change" and if that goes on the republic dies.

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