Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rolling Stone In the Science Business ??? HaHa

SEE HERE There is something terribly amusing when the morons at a liberal cult rag like Rolling Stone decide to pass on science, any science. The Demon-crats have still not forgiven the Swift-boat veterans for outing John Kerry, which is also pretty funny in Rolling Stone, like many of them have ever served. But if you need a good laugh, here's an example of malicious slander by innuendo. It's a common MO for liberals. If they don't have anything substantive to say, which is most of the time, then find something irrelevant to ridicule and you get this kind of trash. The only really tragic thing is that some people actually believe it, but then they're liberals and they'll believe anything since the only thing that matters is identifying who to hate. You know don't you that the only possible reason a scientist or politician would take a non-global warming position is that they are in the pay of big oil companies or something. Of course the flip side of that is that the only reason anyone supports global warming (AGW) is that they stand to make a fortune and get paid off by government grants and such. This is all what C.S. Lewis called Bulverism. Dismiss anything your opposition says without inspecting the merits by ascribing a bad motive to it. Rhetorical fallacy 101! I'll probably fall over in a dead faint if I ever hear a liberal give a substantive argument that isn't associated with this kind of mindlessness.

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