Saturday, June 26, 2010

Charles Rice Addresses Christendom College Graduation

SEE HERE Charles Rice is a distinguished legal scholar SEE HERE and he is also a respected conservative thinker. He is probably best known for his career as a professor at Notre Dame Law School from 1969 to 2000 when he retired to emeritus status. In his address to the Christendom Graduates on May 15th 2010, among his words were:

We are living through a transformation of our federal government. A one-party regime, the leader of which was elected with 54 percent of the Catholic vote, is substituting for the free economy and limited government a centralized command system of potentially unlimited jurisdiction and power. ...
To find a comparable example of the rapid concentration of executive power by a legally installed regime, we have to go back to 1933. Adolf Hitler was named Chancellor on January 30. Over the next few weeks he consolidated his power. The decisive event was the Reichstag's approval of the Enabling Act on March 23, 1933, by which it ceded full and irrevocable powers to Hitler. That was the point of no return. ...
Unlike Germany in 1933, we have legal means of redress. I am proud to say I am a Tea Party guy. In November, the reaction may dislodge the Congressional arm of the ruling class. ...

Professor Rice stressed the great lies: secularism, relativism,and individualism. He framed them for his audience in the context of Catholic thought, but his message is universal. If we do not recover the truth and honor it, we will not be spared the destiny of so many other great nations of the past. November Is Coming!

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