Thursday, June 24, 2010

Your Friends Are Not Always Who You Think They Are

SEE HERE Politics is not a big tent. It is not one hand washing the other. It is not a group of statesmen loyal to the public trust. Currently it is a bunch of more or less robbers dividing the loot. The fact that your set of robbers is called Democrat and my set of robbers is called Republican, or the fact that one set steals more than the other, or steals from people that they've first vilified doesn't change the fact that they are all robbers differing only in degree. It's likely too simplistic to say "throw them all out and start over" because you can't do that. But you can begin to sort out those who are the most principled and not merely the most charismatic. Charisma is worthless if not grounded in substantive values and especially in integrity. If you want an example that proves the case just look at the president and I'll leave it there.

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