Thursday, June 10, 2010

Velvet Gloves and Jack Boots!

SEE HERE Don't be surprised. If you are you have not been paying too much attention. The Branch Davidians were not doing anything but minding their own business when the government came and ended up killing almost all of them. It was a mistake perhaps. I mean of course it was a mistake but maybe the government didn't really intend it to get out of hand and all that. Maybe it was an honest mistake. I think that's giving them a lot of credit which they don't deserve. Instead I think you have to look at the big picture and ask if the Federal Government isn't largely out of control. It's been coming for a long time. When things change slowly you have the impression that they really are not changing in any fundamental way. But I can tell you that coming from the 1950s the country is a lot less free than it was then. I've watched it and each little loss of freedom is accompanied by nice sounding reasonable words, but the result is a loss of freedom.

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