Sunday, June 20, 2010

In Case You Still Believe In Global Warming

SEE HERE One of the things that annoys me beyond measure is that the news media no longer reports the news. Instead the news media is agenda driven and only report what they consider will advance their agenda and their agenda is the progressive liberal socialist agenda. So Obama can do no wrong and every harebrained progressive idea is passed along with minimal scrutiny. The bottom line is that you're being brainwashed. You might as well be listening to Pravda in the old days and taking your marching order from their coverage of world affairs.

The Heartland Institute ran a terrific post Climategate Climate Conference and were largely ignored because it wasn't spouting the party line. Well click on the link above and see what you missed. If you still believe in global warming you better be prepared to counter the data that shows it is cherry picked hogwash advanced to promote a huge move to tax energy to the point of extinction. The usual suspects will profit and you will be fleeced. I hope you're ready for $7/gallon gasoline as the NIC shuts down U.S. coastal oil production.

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