Friday, June 11, 2010

The Inability to See Anything But Your Own Position

SEE HERE The march of the anointed is detectable by their approach to any sort of difference. Instead of seeking understanding, trying to reach the truth, examining the alternatives, they simply label and reject. "Demonization" is what I call it and the Demon-crats are quite exceptional at it. It's their standard move, so much so that their neurons have atrophied and there is no possibility any longer of getting coherent thoughts out of them. You're either on the script or you're a homophobic, pro-life, racist, Nazi, kook from hicksville, unsuited to the company of the elite. It's always fun to watch but it's pathetic when it is taken seriously. Harry Reid really needs to retire and enjoy his loot. Then maybe someone can repair the damage and get on with the business of making the Federal Government smaller.

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