Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sometimes You Can't Be Subtle

A Red State quote this morning:
Some of this bloviating has resulted in unintentional hilarity. Via Jake Tapper’s Political Punch we get this:

Sources tell ABC News that in March President Obama authorized the development of a plan for the U.S. to bomb Osama bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound with two B2 stealth bombers dropping a few dozen 2,000-pound JDAMs (Joint Direct Attack Munitions) on the compound.

But when the president heard the compound would be reduced to rubble he chose not to pursue that option. CHECK OUT THE REST HERE And here's a bit about the credit due to the president SEE HERE provided by the Washington Compost (Was that Gordon Liddy's term for the Post?) anyway the president certainly deserves some credit for pursuing the policy to completion. On the whole he was egregiously selfserving in his announcement of the result, but we can all celebrate that a chapter in this sorry state of affairs is closing. What will come next and whether that will be a wise policy is yet to be determined.

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