Friday, October 7, 2011

The Ole Liberal-Progressive Two Step

SEE HERE When are people going to wise up to this nonsense.  I'm getting old I guess but I've been watching Democrats, Liberals, and so-called Progressives pull this scam for my whole life over and over and over again.  First they conjure up a victim class and claim something has to be done.  Often the problem is exaggerated or largely non-existent, but after a little media hype and promotion and a few sound bites and cameo videos, sometimes which Hollywood celebrities hyping the same message everyone says there's a problem.  Then in a grand manner the government proposes a solution, usually one involving spending money profligately.  Since the government can't really solve any problems very well, the solution goes badly so step two is to find a villain and then hype the new problem that this villain class has to be controlled, regulated and punished (perhaps all three) so out comes the new response, meanwhile the old problem has gotten worse.  Indeed usually the problem has now become a real problem when before it was an imaginary problem.  This little two step continues over and over again making the government bigger, more ponderous, less capable and more dictatorial.  Meanwhile the impact on the private sector is to make it run less well producing fewer jobs and exporting more and more jobs to places where there are less taxes and regulation.

Ken Cuccinelli talks about this problems in terms of the "Liberty pie."  “But there’s another pie that I talk about, and that’s the ‘liberty pie.’ It doesn’t grow and it doesn’t shrink, and there are only two slices — the government’s and citizens’. Whenever the government’s power increases, citizens’ liberty decreases.”  Well at some point the government's slice has grown so large that the nation as a whole collapses.  Obama is on track to manage that feat if he is not stopped.  Once you pass a certain point the process is irreversible and drives to collapse.  Then we will find ourselves telling our children about what it was like when America was free.

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