Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pro Perry Writer Weighs In!

SEE HERE Right now I'm rather for Herman Cain among the announced candidates. I generally think that any of them would be better than the current occupant of the White House, but some would be preferable to others. I'd like someone from outside the system but with intelligence and savvy and I think Cain matches that template. I like Sarah Palin too, but she's likely not running and she is certainly a lightening rod for the left, which out to be a recommendation if only people stopped believing the liars that dwell bottom feeding in the media. I actively don't like Romney. In fact I really don't like any one who manages to be successful politically in Massachusetts. What part of taxachusetts and liberal dream world is it that you don't understand. So truth be told Perry is definitely on my charts despite a few negatives. After all everyone is going to have negatives. There is no such thing as everyone's perfect candidate. So no matter how you stack them up Barack Obama would be on the bottom. We really should be looking for a gamechanger however. We can't continue on the current path, even at a slower rate and expect the ultimate destination to change.

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