Monday, January 4, 2010

Empowerment Creates Leaders

SEE HERE As this American Thinker piece suggests, the last thing we need is a third party to split the vote and give us another Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter. Third parties always draw down the Republican vote and generally give the election to the Democrat or as I'm increasingly liking to say Demon-crat in honor of the Democratic penchant for argument by vilification which is one step up (actually down into the gutter) from mere ad hominem. Anyone who doesn't agree with a Demon-crat is automatically a racist, red-neck, Nazi, white supremacist (if he's white), uncle Tom (if he's black), global warming denier, Holocaust denier, pig, homophobic white trash, religious fundamentalist Bible thumping whack job, and so forth. With reasoned discourse like this rampant in the Demon-crat party it's no wonder they never learn to think. They are too busy learning the newest names to call people. You can visit the Daily Kos to get the flavor of the liberal koolaid drinkers. Not too much charity there, just one piece of ridicule after another. Of course I complain a lot too. I hope I'm making the point that data and truth are the important properties of any discourse.

The Tea Party Movement is about the fundamentals of American freedom, the right of the people to peaceable assembly and to chose their own leaders and engage them in discourse on the issues of the day. The response most were getting showed that the attitudes of the Congress are that they are a privileged form of life and how dare the people question their wisdom. We listening meetings are for the representative to listen to the will of the people and not for the people to be lectured by the representative. Obviously a well informed two way discourse would be best, but as we noted the Demon-crats only know how to engage in the politics of personal destruction through disparagement, vilification, misrepresentation, and labeling. They also engage in baseless harrassment and media ridicule. Sarah Palin is the poster child example of how a public figure they fear might inspire people are to be treated. Buy a copy of "Going Rogue" and check it out.

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