Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Israel Is Surrounded by Those that Hate Her: Is This a Surprise?

SEE HERE Keeping track just a little of what's going on in the Middle East, this sure looks like a public relations nightmare for Israel. On the other hand almost anything Israel does is spun up negatively by its enemies. Iran wants to nuke Israel, but doesn't have the nukes yet. Israel is stationing nuclear tipped cruise missiles in submarines stationed in firing position off Iran should the Iranians decide to be stupid. Meanwhile the Gaza thing is going on which is almost a set piece for causing provocations with Israel. So Israel boards a civilian ship with troops armed with "paintball guns" ??? Well that's how it was reported in the local press ... what can I say. That sounds like totally crazy. And I gather they met fire from armed folks on the ship. The news is early so perhaps it will all change. If I started talking fire and all I had was a paint-ball gun I'd want to get something more effective pretty quickly. We'll see as things unfold.

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