Monday, July 26, 2010

Enough Propaganda ...

SEE HERE E. J. Dionne is not one of my favorite columnists if only because he is so predictably liberal. He makes a small point in this column which takes Andrew Breitbart to task for the out of context clip of Shirley Sherrod. It's not entirely clear how the clip got edited originally or I'd be more inclined to give Breitbart some heat. HERE's HIS TAKE BTW Dionne concludes his piece with the sentence: "And the mainstream media should stop being afraid of insisting on the difference between news and propaganda."

Now that's a nice sentiment, but it's not at all clear that the lame stream media knows the difference. Propaganda to them is what people that don't agree with them say and news is what they say. Sorry, but that's sure the way it looks. And while I'm at it I think that goes for Dionne too.

Here's a bit more on Shirley Sherrod which puts the original story in some context. SEE HERE From my vantage point I think the story is the overreaction of all concerned. I think news should be confirmed and understood in context before it is trumpeted out and that responsible bureaucracy does not fire people capriciously. Shirley Sherrod didn't receive anything like due process. The news media at all levels didn't analyze or study the story in context. So I think it's frown faces all around. No gold stars.

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