Thursday, July 22, 2010

Let's Get Down To Basics

SEE HERE I have to say that when I look at the political scene I have a hard time deciding if the political system in the United States is redeemable. We have the lunatic Demon-crats who seem hellbent to socialize the country in the name of egalitarian liberal progressive power mongering. You don't really think they give a damn about you do you? Forget it. It's corrupt to the core and unprincipled, and frankly evil with a capital 'E' supporting all kinds of policies that are just immoral to the core starting with the murder of innocents and the plundering of people's treasure for their own enshrinement.

But are the Republicans much better? Well I think some are. But then there are all the rest who just seem like a slightly revamped Demon-crat-lite, only without their single mindedness. I hate to say it but singlemindedness, i.e. stick-to-it-iveness, what's another good word, commitment, dedication, the good things about Demon-crats (there aren't many) and something that the Republicans seem to lack. They are a tentative bunch, afraid of their shadows, rarely willing to articulate a principle or stand firm on one. Joseph Sobran always calls them "the stupid party" and while they are much closer to my view when they articulate and stand up for their principles, they waffle so often it's hard to say whether the principles are sincere or window dressing.

So that's the situation. What do we do? I think that is a hard question. We need to find people of integrity, principle and spine to put up for office that won't run off on us at the first opportunity to become slime balls like all the others. We don't seem to be making very many of those people any more. I want people who will take hits defending honor and not crumble and fade when the game gets tough. Find me some of those. I'll take a gross!! We need them in the Congress.

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