Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Paul Ryan Kicks Chris Matthew's Butt

And well he should. The babble of Matthews is simply the sound of two neurons trying to connect. Apparently the idea that the people who actually create the jobs in the country are small business owners who file as individuals just doesn't register with big union, big government, big business liberal airheads. Even worse they don't seem to get the fact that these so-called top 1 to 3 percent are already paying far more than their fair share. When the bottom 43% pay nadda ... that's right nothing in income taxes and the top 1% are paying over 40% of all the income taxes that are paid. Gee, I think we can tell who is getting a free ride. So let's rape the rich some more? I guess that's some of that fairness the left is always talking about. It would be nice if they ever got their figures straight.

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