Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where's the Oil? Not Much to Skim These Days!

SEE HERE What do I know? About the Gulf spill, not all that much. Here's the piece Limbaugh is talking about. HERE This piece by Rush Limbaugh goes back to something he said, apparently that caused an uproar, which seems to be that Mother Nature would take care of the oil spill. Now folks are finding the oil spill hard to find and Rush is crowing about being right. The bottom line is that Mother Nature ultimately takes care of everything. It is only human hubris that imagines we are some sort of big deal. There's an old chestnut about the only thing that can be seen with the unaided eye from near earth orbit is the great wall of China. Strictly speaking that isn't true. There are a few things that can be seen, but from what I can see searching around the internet the stuff that is seen is seen in telescopic camera pictures with long lens. That's cheating.

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