Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The True Character of Science Is Not Authoritarian

SEE HERE The problem is usually money. "Follow the money" is very good advice. Usually you will find when you do that that the trail leads to some motives other than purity, sweetness, and light. It isn't that money is evil. It is the love of money that is generally given that description. Love of money and power both lead to very bad places. Science is about truth, at least that's what it is supposed to be about. However, scientists are human beings like everyone else and they can be bought and paid for. Liberals are always accusing scientists that work for corporations of being bought and paid for by the tobacco companies, by the chemical companies, by the oil companies, by any company involved in anything that they don't like. But of course a far more dangerous thing is that scientists will be bought and paid for by government to advance the government agenda of more power, more money, more corruption. This is more dangerous because from this it is more difficult to turn back.

Science is not about policy. Science is about why things are the way they are and that knowledge in the form of technology often lets us change things in interesting and helpful ways. But the science first and foremost is about the truth of things and about understanding and fitting that truth together into a coherent picture. Science is a noble and wonderful calling. I've put up a number of Richard Feynman's lectures as links at Spitzenpopper. SEE HERE If you want to see what a real scientist is like, then watch Feynman. A real scientist is a seeker of truth not a sycophant of politicians and power merchants.

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