Thursday, July 22, 2010

Playing the Race Card ... Over and Over and Over Again!

SEE HERE One has to realize how ridiculous this is. If you say something about Obama the only referent the left will accept is that you're saying something because he's black, well half-black. The whole damn thing is crazy. It reduces the discourse to a single phony dimension so that the left can cry bigotry. But as usual the only one actually being bigoted is the left since they started the thread and are the ones promoting the thread. Just one more dimension of Demon-crat strategy. Find something negative to ascribe the motives of your opposition to and then call names based on that prescription which you then repeat over and over and over again, while saying, "See so many people are saying it, it must be true." No, what we've got is the strategy of the left to repeat the spin-doctored lie so often than those who have to work for a living think with all the smoke there must be fire. And there is, the fire of the liars on the left telling that big lie over and over with the help of the lame-stream media. You'd think people would figure this out, but most don't have time and so invest their confidence in the media. Bad idea!

HERE is another example of playing the race card. Misattribution of ideas to your intended victims that they don't really advocate as you chuckle about how smart you are — list this a the "I'm smug and smarter than you, you stupid tea bagger" ploy.

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