Saturday, February 13, 2010

Global Warming: It's Magic ... It Can Do Anything!

SEE HERE Snitched this link off my sister's site. But it points to a good question. Is there anything that the pseudo-nutnick-scientists-climate-alarmists won't blame on global warming? Not much it seems. Here's a Washington Post link HERE datelined tomorrow ... how does that work? Climate Depot sent it out. It makes much the same point. The current snow may not truly disprove the claims of the global warming alarmists, but you have a hard time convincing someone in the midst of the coldest weather and most snow in recent history that he or she is in any imminent danger of being toasted. Come back in July if that's particularly hot and make the same case. It still won't be valid, but it will receive a warmer reception.

Picture is the cause of global warming. It's a slightly smallish star 93 million miles away called Sol, or more commonly "the sun." The sun causes all the global warming and a good thing.

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