Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Re-Establishment of America ...

SEE HERE I doubt that this is going to work as smoothly as this piece from the American Thinker makes out. Demon-crats are a little like rattlesnakes ... they're sneaky and just because they rattle sometimes doesn't mean they're not going to bite you, and when you get bitten it's going to make you sick and maybe kill you. Just par for the course. I've been very impressed by the Tea Party people that I've met. I just wish more of the politically active people in America were more like the Tea Party people. America First! The vision of the Founders is worth protecting and preserving from the nonsense now going on. Transforming America — as the NIC talks about is just a synonym for destroying the last great hope of the world for freedom and prosperity. So they have to be stopped. I hope American Thinker is right, but they sure make it sound kind of easy and I don't think it's going to be that way.

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