Monday, February 22, 2010

This Is What You Get In the Name of Security

SEE HERE Give up your freedom for security and you get neither freedom nor security. Here's an example of the kind of "security" you get on an airline these days. This litany of outrage is pretty personal to me because the last time I flew these jerks took away a money clip that belonged to my dead father. The took it because it had a 1 1/2 in knife folded into the money clip with a blade that was maybe 3 16ths of an inch wide, useful, if for anything, for opening envelopes. I asked if they could mail it to my home. "No" The only thing I could do is go back to the gate past all the security and do something from there. The plane was leaving in five minutes. I have not flown since and I'm still angry as hell that these idiots are harassing passengers in unreasonable ways with impunity. We need some serious reform and it should include profiling. Common sense is not out of date.

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