Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Cost of Modernism: 75% Loss of Faith, Loss of Values

I can't speak for other kinds of Christians. But I can confirm what Michael Voris says here about my own experience of Catholicism. When I was a boy, Pope Pius XII was pope. The mass was in Latin. I was a choir boy, a young soprano and I loved singing the high mass on Sundays to music written by the great composers, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, and on and on. Our choir director was a man with a name that seemed to just say choir director: Mr. Pereezi.

Pope John XXIII came along and called the Vatican II council and the liberals modernists saw their chance. Nothing in the documents of the council gave them the charter, but they created "the spirit of Vatican II" to create a shambles of church liturgy. church theology, church education, and on and on as if the trendy nonsense they were peddling had something to do with Christ and His message and calling we are all called to. You can't blame all the societal collapse on just this small coterie of wreckers. The culture needed a lot of other corruptions to bring about the collapse.

Chief among these was contraception which opened the way for "love" if you mean by love something rather more like the free rein of lust. Sex without consequences ... oops! Well let's just terminate that pregnancy and go back to "sex without consequences." Women as plastic Barbie's and the destruction of the family was on. We've seen all this now for some fifty years. It brings on societal collapse folks.

We've killed something like sixty million young children in the womb. We've created a society without vision or values and we are well on the way to killing what little is left as we sink into the featureless pit of "everyone's a victim and government will take care of you ..." but towering deficits and loss of initiative and will to excellence is killing the society in more ways than just religion.

Michael Voris is right on when it comes to the effect of modernism on the Catholic Church. But the effects of this plague are not limited to Catholics. It is a societal disorder, a social pathology, and it leads to dissolution and death of the American dream. We need to change course. We need to change course soon!

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