Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Common Misconception and Deception

SEE HERE Deception? Well it's quite common for people to give the president that was in power when various things happen the credit or the blame for things like increasing deficits or on the positive side economic growth. That's extremely deceiving and highly unlikely as Walter Williams shows here. It's Congress, Congress, and Congress that votes on taxes and spending. The general ignorance that puts the credit or blame in the wrong area is part of why we get the kind of propaganda that we do. Democratic Congresses are always increasing taxes more than Republican ones and quite often when economic things go well it is because the Republicans are controlling the purse strings. But generally politicians are bad stewards of the people's treasure. When the founders decided where to put the money they put it in the hands of the part of the government that was supposed to be most responsive to the people. It's time the people called them to their duty.

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