Friday, March 11, 2011

The Government Is Lying As Usual

SEE HERE I hate being lied to. I especially hate being lied to by someone who absolutely knows that what he is saying is not only not true, but blatantly, egregiously, over the top not true and the person he's talking to knows he's lying. The government has been lying about the Social Security trust fund so long that it's become a popular myth. The trust fund is just more worthless government promises to pay. There are no assets securing the trust fund. It's full of IOUs and the people that have to pay the IOUs are the current tax payers. The government spend ages telling people that their contributions and their employers' contributions were paying for the Social Security benefits they would draw out later. They made no attempt whatsoever to invest or otherwise secure those benefits. Frankly it's criminal. A private citizen that had done something like this would go to jail, and they have. It is long since time to call the government to account and to reform the system so that future citizens are not injured. Beggaring our children is not the answer.

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