Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Wages of Appeasement: How Not To Wage Foreign Policy

This is well worth a listen all the way through. Bruce Thornton gets it. He captures my own convictions almost exactly about the way the United States has created the world situation we face today by failing time and again to handle foreign policy adroitly and correctly. We had the Vietnam War won in 1972 and we stood by and betrayed our ally by withholding support. There was no reason not to support the Shah of Iran but we chose not to and that led to a more oppressive regime and a continuing war against the West. These aren't the only failings he gives an account of but they are two that make me deeply angry. It was these events that forever have raised in my a wall of antipathy for the left. They have been and continue to be betrayers of the American dream and they substitute for it an irrational dream build on figments of their imagination, figments that have on every test failed time and again to not only not advance us towards the utopia of their dreams but instead have but us more and more in peril. It's time to stop listening to the left and listen instead to people who live in a real world of real people doing things for real human motives.

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