Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Government Creates More Problems than It Solves

SEE HERE The problem is not that government doesn't solve some problems. It does. Generally however, for every problem the government solves it creates a bunch more. The reason is simple. Government solutions tend to empower a bureaucracy that is in control of the solution. This gives them a charter to solve that "type" of problem. Pretty soon they start discovering or creating similar, perhaps less serious by analogous problems that they insist have to be solved and this goes on ad infinitum. The results is a creeping seizure of power that grows and grows until they are telling you what food to have for dinner and what cooking oil to use to cook your french fries. The solution is to make a rule that there has to be a clear and present danger outside the ability of free men and women to control to justify government intervention. Without this kind of test the government will slowly but systematically grow until it controls every tiny aspect of your life and then you will no longer be free. It will be more like hell than heaven.

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