Saturday, October 8, 2011

A President that Divides the Nation: Intentionally!

SEE HERE Policies frequently divide people into those who are for and against the policy. But it is rare to find a situation where virtually all the policies divide in much the same way. This suggests that the persons advancing such policies are actively trying to achieve an agenda and not to serve all the people but only a select few, the ones they pander to. Currently we have a president whose actions suggest that the agenda is to bring on economic ruin so that the government can step in to "solve" the problem that they created by imposing rigid controls on virtually everything. This is sometimes merely called Socialism, but that's another of those special words designed to conceal the iron fist in a velvet glove. Socialism is just another name for tyranny. Only the state owns the means of production and the state plans everything and all are simply wards of the state. Everywhere Socialism has been seriously tried it has been a failure. The soft Socialisms of Europe are right now in the process of collapsing even as our president sets about imitating them. This is not what we want to do. All the rhetoric, all the lies, all the finger pointing at the productive as if somehow to be productive is to rob the unproductive of their due, it is all focused on a power grab of monumental proportions. You will have one chance and one chance only to reverse it because four more years of this will almost certainly lead to the end of America as we know it.

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