Monday, October 3, 2011

Religious Intolerance Obama Style

SEE HERE I keep hearing that Barack Obama is supposed to be a Christian, but if so he acts rather peculiarly.  He seems to favor Muslims and takes draconian measures against Christians.  Somehow that just doesn't feel right.  I'm sure it must be his minions and that he doesn't know anything about it. The right hand knowith not what the left is doing sort of thing.  After all he's so wise and good it couldn't be him.  He does seem to think that no baby targeted for abortion should be allowed to live.  And he does have a hearing deficiency since he sat in Jeremiah Wright's congregation for something like twenty years and never heard him.  So maybe he doesn't really intend this stuff.  If you believe that of course I have a really nice bridge in Brooklyn that I can let you have cheap and you can make a fortune charging tolls.

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