Thursday, July 15, 2010

Freedom to Hate

SEE HERE Freedom means just that, that you have the freedom to form your own beliefs, opinions and the like, to decide for yourself who to love, who to have affection for, who to dislike, and, yes, who to hate. I'm not much for "hating" at least hating people. Jesus said "Love one another" and he didn't make exceptions for idiots or even the evil people. Redemption is potentially for everyone. But that doesn't mean that there is nothing to hate and that hatred, at least clearly formulated, motivated hatred, isn't sometime warranted. We've been brainwashing children so long that they can't think for themselves anymore. Frankly, I hate that, because it means we are raising up a nation of slaves, slaves to ideas not their own, ideas that quite frankly they don't even understand, and which quite possibly they would dismiss or even hate if they did. We're also not giving them sound principles, which is why the people indoctrinating them can get away with it.

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